semua yang terkait dalam HIDUP ku

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

kepribadian dari warna

Pilih sebuah bentuk dibawah ini yang paling kamu senangi lalu baca kepribadianmu dibawahnya
Seorang psikologis mengembangkan bentuk-bentuk ini, yang telah diuji secara luas di dunia selama beberapa tahun. Warna warnanya telah mengalami perbaikan dan diuji lagi sampai didapatkan satu set bentuk yang terbaik. Bentuk-bentuk ini mewakili sembilan tipe kepribadian dasar.

1. Introspektif, Sensitif , Reflective

Kamu lebih sering dan fokus terhadap diri dan lingkungan sendiri daripada berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Kamu membenci kedangkalan, lebih senang menyendiri daripada terluka karena bisikan orang. Tapi hubunganmu dengan teman-temanmu sangat intensif, yang memberikanmu ketenangan dan keserasian yang kamu butuhkan untuk merasa baik. Bagaimanapun itu bukan masalah bagimu untuk menyendiri untuk beberapa waktu tanpa menjadi bosan.

2. Mandiri ,Tidak biasa (tidak konvensional) ,Tak tertekang

Kamu menginginkan kebebasan dan ketidakterikatan hidup yang membiarkanmu menentukan jalan kamu sendiri. Kamu memiliki bakat artistik dalam kerjaanmu dan aktifitas luangmu. Desakan untuk bebas kadang menyebabkan kamu melakukan perbuatan yang sangat berlawanan dengan apa yang kamu inginkan.
Gaya hidupmu sangat individual. Kamu tidak akan meniru secara buta apa yang sedang "in", disisi lain kamu mencari kehidupan yang sesuai dengan cita cita dan dan pendirianmu, bahkan bila harus berenang melawan pasang.

3. Dinamis ,Aktif ,Mementingkan hal-hal lahir

Kamu sungguh berkeinginan untuk menerima beberapa resiko dan berkomitmen kuat dalam menukar ketertarikan dan pekerjaan yang bervariasi. Rutin, berlawanan, cenderung berefek melumpuhkanmu. Apa yang paling kamu sukai adalah bisa memainkan peran dalam banyak bidang.Dalam melakukannya, inisiatifmu lebih kuat.

4. Bersahaja,Sangat teguh pendirian ,harmonis

Kamu menghargai gaya dan cinta alami yang tidak rumit. Orang mengagumimu karena kamu memiliki kemampuan bertanan kuat dan mereka bergantung padamu. Kamu memberikannya pada orang yang dekat perlindungan dan jarak. Kamu merasa hangat dan manusiawi. Kamu menolak segala sesuatu yang mencolok dan usang. Kamu cenderung ragu pada tingkah/perubahan trend mode. Bagimu pakaian harus praktis dan bagus yang tidak menonjol.

5. Professional ,Pragmatis ,Percaya diri

Kamu bertanggung jawab pada hidupmu, meletakkan lebih kecil keberuntunganmu dan lebih kepada perbuatanmu sendiri.Kamu memecahkan masalah dengan tindakan yang praktis dan tidak rumit. Kamu memandang secara realistis sesuatu dalam hidupmu dan menanganinya dengan baik. Kamu diberi tanggung jawab yang besar dalam pekerjaan, karena orang tahu bahwa kamu dapat diandalkan. Kekuatan tegasmu terhadap kemauan akan memproyeksikan keyakinanmu terhadap orang lain. Kamu tidak akan pernah benar-benar merasa puas sampai semua cita-citamu

6. Tenang/Damai ,Bijaksana,Tidak Agresif

Kamu menanggap hidup mudah karena bijaksana. Kamu mendapatkan teman tanpa kesukaran karena menikmati keprifasianmu dan kemandirianmu. Kamu sering menjauh darinya dan menyendiri dari waktu ke waktu untuk merenungi arti kehidupan dan menikmati sendiri. Kamu membutuhkan tempat untuk persembunyian yang indah, tapi kamu tidak seoarang penyendiri. Kamu tenang terhadap diri sendiri dan dunia, dan menghargai hidup dan apa yang dunia tawarkan.

7.Riang,Suka bermain/melucu,menyenangkan

Kamu menyukai kehidupan yang bebas dan spontan. Dan kamu berusaha menikmatinya secara penuh karena memegang moto " KAmu hanya hidup sekali.Keingin tahuanmu besar dan terbuka trhadp segala sesuatu yang baru, kamu berkembang dengan perubahan. Kamu menganggap lingkunganmu serbaguna dan selalau memberikan kejutan.

8. Romantis,Pemimpi ,Emosional

Kamu sangat sensitif. Kamu menolak melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang kesederhanaan dan tasionalitas. Apa yang perasaanmu katakan sangat penting untukmu. Kenyataanya, Kamu merasa penting untuk memiliki mimpi-mimpi dalam hidup. Kamu menolak orang yang mencemoohkan romantisme dan hanya dikendalikan oleh rasionalitas. Kamu menolak utnuk membiarkan sesuatu membatasi keragaman kekayaan mood dan emosimu.

9. Analitis,Terpercaya ,Percaya diri

Senstifitas sebentarmu mewakili kualitas dan ketahanan yang tinggi.Konsekuensinya, kamu suka menyelimuti dirimu dengan " mutiara kecil " yang kamu temukan dimanapun orang lain mengabaikannya. Lalu, Budaya sangat mempengaruhi kehidupanmu. Kamu telah temukan kehidupanmu sendiri, yaitu elegan/luwes dan eksklusif, bebas dari pengaru mode. Idealmu, kamu mendasarkan kehidupanmu, adalah dibudayakan kesenangan.Kamu menilai tingkatan budaya seseorang pada siapa kamu berbicara.

psikologi warna

Merah, kuning, hijau dan biru merupakan empat warna utama menurut pakar psikologi. Dan meskipun belum bisa dipastikan  dari sudut pandang sains, tetapi pada umumnya warna akan memiliki pengaruh atau sifat yang berbeda didalam aspek kehidupan manusia termasuk juga dari personalitinya. Dan berikut ini beberapa rahasia psikologi arti warna;

Memberikan arti ketenangan yang sempurna. Memiliki kesan yang dapat menenangkan di denyut nadi, tekanan darah, pernafasan serta membantu didalam meningkatkan kesehatan diri.

Biru tua:
Memberikan arti yang melambangkan perasaan yang mendalam. Dan biasanya bersifat perasa, bijaksana, tidak mudah untuk tersinggung, bersikap tenang dan memiliki kenalan/rekan yang luas.

Biru muda:
Melambangkan sifat yang teguh dan kokoh. Tetapi biasanya sedikit keras kepala, serta sering berbangga diri dan memiliki pendirian yang tetap.

Memiliki sifat suka merebut, pesimis terhadap kesejahteraan dan kebahagiannya di masa depan.


Melambangkan adanya suatu ketabahan, keinginan namun keras hati. Memiliki pribadi yang keras dan dominan/berkuasa. Tetapi warna ini bisa meningkatkan rasa bangga. Penggemar warna ini biasanya sering menjadi pilihan untuk mendapatkan nasehat.

Melambangkan arti kehidupan yang terhenti serta memberi kesan kekosongan, kegelapan, kematian, dan kerusakan.

Mewakili sifat kegembiraan, cukup santai, mempunyai cita-cita setinggi langit.

Kuning terang:
Melambangkan sifat spontan dan toleransi yang tinggi. Begitu menonjol tetapi berubah-ubah sikap, suka berharap dan dermawan.


Samar-samar karakternya. Kecenderungan lebih netral.

Melambangkan keadaan psikologi yang mengurangkan tenaga, mempercepatkan denyutan nadi, menaikkan tekanan darah dan mempercepat pernafasan. Warna ini mempunyai pengaruh produktiviti, perjuangan, persaingan dan birahi.

Merah terang:

Mewakili kekuatan, kemahuan atau cita-cita. Warna ini turut melambangkan agresif, aktif, kemahuan keras, penuh ghairah dan dominasi.

Merah jambu:

Romantis, feminin, selalu rapi dan penuh jenaka.

Warna ini adalah campuran warna merah dan biru. Sifatnya sedikit kurang teliti tetapi selalu penuh harapan.


Tautan waktu berjalan, iring langkah kita bersama
Mendewasakan semua rasa, perasaan jiwa
Tak akan mungkin memungkiri, menyangkal arti cinta
Biar angin menentang, pun langit terhempas

Menyangsikan cinta dalam keras kehidupan
Naif terlahir, kewajaran kodrati lelapkan semua

Demi cinta, bersandinglah (di dalam sisi hidupku ini)
Demi cinta berjanjilah (melangkah kita bersama)

Perlahan kita mulai belajar, melaraskan batin
Meluaskan ruang, tingkap pengertian
Tak pernah kumerasakan, penat menjadi beban
Biar pernah mengalir, pun meski terluka

Damai... kita... bersama... sucikan cinta


your face

I heard a song tonight on the radio
Another girl sings about a boy
She see his face in every space, every room
And I know that if I turn around you won't be there
If I close my eyes, will you be there?

I don't wanna lose your face
And I don't wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
And I don't wanna turn around
'Cause I'm not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I don't wanna lose your face

I got a picture of you in my bedroom
And I hope it never falls
I hope I never lose that feeling
I used to get whenever you'd call
And now I wonder to myself
Who were you, where are you?
Were you ever here at all?

I don't wanna lose your face
And I don't wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
And I don't wanna turn around
'Cause I'm not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I don't wanna lose your face

The girl in the song had it so good
I wish I could close my eyes and see you
I wish the sky had your face
And the oceans had your eyes
And the sunset had your lips
And I had you, oh, whoa, yeah

I don't wanna lose your face
I don't wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
And I don't wanna turn around
'Cause I'm not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I don't wanna lose your face

Oh, no, no
I don't wanna lose your face
And I don't wanna turn around
Oh, oh, oh, ooh, yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, yeah

your anything

I bet you lie awake at night trying to make up your sweet mind
Wonderin' if you'll ever find just what you want
A hometown number one
Or a California loaded gun
But you'll only get one
That's what you thought
And here's what you got

I could be your favorite blue jeans
With the holes in the knees
In the bottom of the top drawer
I could be your little beauty queen
Just a little out of reach
Or the girl living next door
I'll be your angel giving up her wings
If that's what you need
I'd give everything to be your anything
Be your anything

If you want hard to get
If you want
All you have to do is let me know
If you want a bumpy ride
Or someone with a softer side
Either one will be alright
Just let me know
Cause this is how it goes

I could be your favorite blue jeans
With the holes in the knees
In the bottom of the top drawer
I could be your little beauty queen
[From: ]
Just a little out of reach
Or the girl living next door
I'll be your angel giving up her wings
If that's what you need
I'd give everything to be your anything

It's not like I'm giving up who i am for you
But with someone like you it's so easy to do

I could be your favorite blue jeans
With the holes in the knees
In the bottom of the top drawer
I could be your little beauty queen
Just a little out of reach
Or the girl living next door
I'll be your angel giving up her wings
If that's what you need
That's what you need

I could be your favorite blue jeans
With the holes in the knees
In the bottom of the top drawer
I could be your little beauty queen
Just a little out of reach
Or the girl living next door
I'll be your angel giving up her wings
If that's what you need
I'd give everything to be your anything

you do

Do you still have that dream,
That dream of you and me,
The dream that got us this far,
That got us to where we are.
Do you still want the same
As you used to,
Do you still want a me and you,
Baby I don't wanna waste my
Time but I don't wanna let go,
Let go, oh, let go, no, no I don't wanna let go.

Don't wanna leave you,
A just wanna keep you, forever till' the end but baby
Baby please don't pretend,
That you truely still love me,
I know that your above, if
We can make this work - I will,
But tell do you love me still? tell me baby do you?

Be honest boy, do you want this, cause I can't see a future ahead of this no more, you can just go and walk out the door, don't tell lies, please don't play games, the thought of what's goin on, drivin' me insane, and if you must, go find another girl you love and lust, but baby I still...

Don't wanna leave you,
A just wanna keep you, forever till' the end but baby
Baby please don't pretend,
That you truely still love me,
I know that your above, if
We can make this work - I will,
But tell do you love me still? tell me baby do you?

Am takin' by that look on your face, am takin' that it's over,
Though I need you more than anything or anyone, I suppose I'll let it all go, but forever baby, my love for you will always grow, but one more time, so I know for sure,
Are you ready to walk away?
Leave me behind and forget
Our time everday? do you still want me, I know you will say no, but baby if you really don't love me, then just go,
But I still...

Don't wanna leave you,
A just wanna keep you, forever till' the end but baby
Baby please don't pretend,
That you truely still love me,
I know that your above, if
We can make this work - I will,
But tell do you love me still? tell me baby do you?


You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man

Well, you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know what you don't know

Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

You, with your switching sides and your walk-by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaws again as if I don't already see them
I'll walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again

I'll bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now 'cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know what you don't know

Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion but nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing

But all you are is mean
All you are is mean and a liar and pathetic and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

But someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

the story of us

I used to think that one day we'd tell the story of us,
And how we met
And how the sparks flew instantly
And people would say they're the lucky ones

I used to know my place was the spot next to you,
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on

Oh, a simple complication,
Miscommunications lead to a fallout,
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up, I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

Next chapter

How did we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes
And trying to look busy
And you're doing your best to avoid me

I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
But you held your pride like you should have held me

Oh, I'm scared to see the ending,
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud.

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

This is looking like a contest
Of who can act like they care less
But I liked it better when you were on my side

The battle's in your hands now
But I would lay my armor down
If you said you'd rather love than fight

So many things that you wish I knew
But the story of us might be ending soon

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me, yeah

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
Now, now, now

And were not speaking,
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?

And I don't know what to say since a twist of fate,
'Cause were going down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

The End

the worst day with you

She acts like shes 5 years old
since its cold shes got her big coat on
I hear people laugh at her
i look up bored
and she cries and runs
We star throwing stuff at her and she tries to hide
this starts to get old
She hugs her legs
and we put her to sleep
im forced to take her home

And shes stupid to know why the trees change in the fall.
And i know that she is scared
of every little thing and all
She thinks snow whites house very near how dumb
but i know we had the worst day
ever today.

she starts acting like shes 13 and thinks everyone is mean
She starts crying
And i push her away
and cut her with my keys
and she starts to drive and drive until she found a town far enough away
And she sulks and walks and tries to forget all our names

And she know if shes ever going to finish school
And she knows shell never laugh
cause we shrunk and she grew
she dont know how lng itll take to feel okay
but she knows she had the wors day ever today

She had a bullying father
She thought she was getting stronger
Her mom beats up her little brother
inside and out hes more popular than she is
She grew up in an ugly house
and had no space to run
and she had the worst days with me

there was a video i found from back when we were three
she was trying to paint in the kitchen and she was talking to me
it was the age of teasing and bullying and throwing eggs at her window
And her dad was super dumb
and i was the most handsome boy
in the whole wide world

and now she knows why
all the trees change in the fall
and she knows i was never on her side
and always said she was wrong
and she hates me
for giving her the evil eyes
and making her feel like
she could shine
and i dont know if she knew
so im taking this chance to say
that i always have the worst days
when im with you.

he lagu ini liriknya mirip 'the best day'

i'd lie

I don't think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes

He'll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong
And I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke I fake a smile
That I know all his favorite songs and

I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine

I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

He stands there then walks away
My God, if I could only say
I'm holding every breathe for you

He'd never tell you but he can play guitar
I think he can see through everything but my heart
First thought when I wake up is, "My god, he's beautiful"
So I put on my make up and pray for a miracle

Yes, I could tell you his favorite colors green
He loves to argue oh and it kills me
His sisters beautiful he has his father's eyes
And if you asked me if I love him
If you ask me if I love him,  
I'd lie


You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd live to see it break

It's getting dark
And it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you
Like it's all a big mistake

Oh holding my breath
Won't lose you again
Something's made your
Eyes go cold

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back
Now I'm haunted

Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I said
To you

He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishing he was you

Oh oh holding my breath
Won't see you again
Something keeps me
Holding onto nothing

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back
Now I'm haunted

I know
I know
I just know
You're not gone
You can't be gone

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
Won't finish what you started

Come on, come on
Don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't go back
I'm haunted

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Never ever thought I'd see it break
Never thought I'd see it

the best day

I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home

I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today

I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today

I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you

There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today

tell me why

I took a chance, I took a shot
And you might think I'm bulletproof but I'm not
You took a swing, I took it hard
And down here from the ground, I see who you are

I'm sick and tired of your attitude
I'm feeling like I don't know you
You tell me that you love me then you cut me down

And I need you like a heartbeat
But you know you got a mean streak
Makes me run for cover when you're around

And here's to you and your temper
Yes, I remember what you said last night
And I know that you see what you're doing to me
Tell me, why?

You could write a book on how
To ruin someone's perfect day
Well, I get so confused and frustrated
Forget what I'm trying to say, oh

I'm sick and tired of your reasons
I got no one to believe in
You tell me that you want me, then push me around

And I need you like a heartbeat
But you know you got a mean streak
Makes me run for cover when you're around

Here's to you and your temper
Yes, I remember what you said last night
And I know that you see what you're doing to me
Tell me, why?

Why do you have to make me feel small
So you can feel whole inside?
Why do you have to put down my dreams
So you're the only thing on my mind?

I'm sick and tired of your attitude
I'm feeling like I don't know you
You tell me that you want me then cut me down

I'm sick and tired of your reasons
I've got no one to believe in
You ask me for my love then you push me around

Here's to you and your temper
Yes, I remember what you said last night
And I know that you see what you're doing to me
Tell me, why? Why? Tell me, why?

I take a step back, let you go
I told you I'm not bulletproof
Now you know

mem-ba-ca (spasi) ma-ta (spasi) o-rang

Membaca Orang Dari Gerakan Matanya
Mata mmang gak bisa bohong….
Kita bisa menilai pikiran orang secara general hanya lewat gerakan mata. Walopun ilmu ini bukan termasuk Sains ato ilmu pasti, tapi tehnik ini lumayan akurat dan dapat dibuktikan. Akurasinya sekitar 85%-90%. Ini merupakan people skill. Tehnik ini juga bisa dipakai untuk menilai apakah orang tsb bohong ama kita atau ngga....

Kiri Atas = Memori Visual
Saat seseorang mengingat sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan memori/ingatan visual, seperti gambar, bentuk, warna, dsb. Orang cenderung akan menggerakan matanya ke KANAN ATAS. Karena di sudut inilah mata kita punya link untuk berhubungan ama memori visual dalam otak.
Contoh :
Saat seseorang inget2 warna baju yang dipake pacarnya malem minggu kemaren, warna seragam baju waktu TK, bentuk pesawat F-16, poster yang ditempel dikamar waktu SMP, ato yang lain.
Tes :
Coba tanyain ke temen, “Apa warna seragam waktu TK?” (Ato yang lain) dan kalo dia butuh waktu –beberapa detik- buat inget2, matannya kebanyakan akan mengarah ke kanan atas. Kecuali dia udah hafal diluar kepala.

Kiri Tengah = Memori Auditori
Mata akan mengarah ke sisi KANAN TENGAH saat mengingat memori auditori, seperti suara. Karena di sudut inilah mata kita punya link untuk berhubungan ama memori Auditori dalam otak
Contoh :
Saat inget2 suara/pesan dari ibu buat belanja ke pasar, inget pengumuman lewat speaker, dsb yang berhubungan dengan pendengaran.

Kanan Bawah = Memori Kinestetik
Saat mengingat memori yang berkaitan dengan rasa, perasaan dan keadaan. Mata akan cenderung bergerak kea rah KANAN BAWAH. Karena mata akan lebih mudah mengingat yang berhubungan dengan memori kinestetik pada arah ini.
Contoh :
Saat mengingat rasa dari makanan, saat mengingat rasa saat dinginnya ujan2nan, rasa saat dipuji sang kekasih, dsb.

Kanan Atas = Imajinasi Visual
KANAN ATAS, mata akan cenderung bergerak kearah ini apabila sedang mengimajinasikan yang berhubungan dengan visual. Karena pada arah ini mata cenderung mengarah ke korteks imajinasi visual.
Contoh :
Berimajinasi bagaimana kalo wajah bapak anda punya kumis kotak & tebel, ato bayangin sapi yang hanya punya 1 kaki, dsb.

Kanan Tengah = Imajinasi Auditori
Saat orang mengimajinasikan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan Auditori ato pendengaran, mata cenderung akan bergerak kearah korteks yang berhubungan dengan imajinasi auditori, yaitu KANAN TENGAH. Karena di sudut inilah mata kita punya link untuk berhubungan ama Imajinasi Auditori dalam otaknya.
Contoh :
Bayangkan suara kakek2 umur 100 tahun marah2. Bayangkan suara anjing saat kelaparan, dsb.

Kiri Bawah = Imajinasi Kinestetik
Pada korteks ini, mata kan mengarah saat mengimajinasikan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan rasa, perasaan dan keadaan. Karena pada arah ini mata menuju kearah link yang mempermudah untuk berimajinasi kinestetik. Akan cenderung kearah KIRI BAWAH.
Contoh :
Bagaimana merasakan buah jeruk yang sangat asem. Bayangkan bagaimana rasanya ujan2nan malam hari di musim dingin, dsb.

NB :
Tehnik ini juga berjalan dua arah. Bukan hanya untuk menilai,
Kitapun bisa pake untuk sebaliknya. Saat mengingat sesuatu hal yang bersifat memori visual, kita bisa gerakan mata kita ke kanan atas untuk mempermudah mengingat sesuatu yang visual. Dan seterusnya…

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

i will be

There’s nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know how far you’d go
I know I let you down but it's not like that now
This time I’ll never let you go

I will be all that you want and get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything OK

I thought that I had everything I didn’t know what life could bring
But now I see honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe 'cause you're here with me
And if I let you down I’ll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go

I will be all that you want and get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything OK

Cause with out you I can’t sleep
I’m not gonna ever ever let you leave
You’re all I got
You’re all I want
And without you I don’t know what I’d do
I could never ever live a day with out you
Hear with me do you see you're all I need

And I will be all that you want and get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life (my life) I will be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything OK

I will be (I’ll be) all that you want and get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
And all my life you know I will be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything OK

the best damn thing

Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door
even though I told him yesterday and the day before
I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab
And I have to pull my money out and that looks bad
Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not, even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same
And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble, I'm a hell of a scandal
Me, I'm a scene, I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Alright, alright

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand
Why a certain time of month I don't wanna hold his hand
I hate it when they go out, and we stay in
And they come home smelling like their ex girlfriends
I found my hopes, I found my dreams
My Cinderella story scene
Now everybody's gonna see

Give me an A (always give me what I want)
Give me a V (be very very good to me)
R (are you gonna treat me right)
I (I can put up a fight)
Give me an L (let me hear you scream loud)

One, two, three, four

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see
Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen


Got up on the wrong side of life today, yeah
Crash the car and I'm gonna be really late
My phone doesn't work cus it's out of range
Looks like it's just one of those kind of days

You can't kick me down I'm already on the ground
No you can't, but you couldn't catch me anyhow
Blue skies, but the sun isn't coming out, no
Today is like I'm under a heavy cloud

And I feel so alive
I can't help myself
Don't you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and run away

I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and run away

So-so's how I'm doing, if you're wondering
I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning
Stay there, come closer it's at your own risk
Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch

And I feel so alive
I can't help myself
Don't you realize

Run away, run away

freak OUT

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now,
I won't listen to you
Walk around with my hands up in the air
Cause I don't care

Cause I'm alright, I'm FINE
Just freak out, let it go
I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise

Cause I'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by

I won't keep it inside

Freak out, let it go
Just freak out, let it go
You don't always have to do everything right
Stand up for yourself
And put up a fight
walk around with your hands up in the air

Like you don't care

Cause I'm alright, I'm fine

Just freak out, let it go
I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise


Cause I'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by

I won't keep it inside
Freak out, let it go

On my own
Let it go

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Just freak out, let it go
I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise


Cause I'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside

Freak out, let it go
Just freak out, let it go

Gonna freak out, let it go
freak out, let it go

who knows?

Why do you look so familiar
I could swear that I have seen your face before

I think I like that you seem sincere
I think I like to get to know you a little bit more

I think there's something more, life's worth living for
Who knows what could happen.
Do what you do, just keep on laughing
One thing's true, there's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day
Yeah, yeah,
Yeah-eah, yeah,
Yeah-eah, yeah

How do you always have an opinion
And how do you always find the best way to compromise
We don't need to have a reason
We don't need anything

We're just wasting time

 I think there's something more, life's worth living for
Who knows what could happen.

Do what you do, just keep on laughing
One thing's true, there's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

Find yourself, cause I can't find you
Be yourself, who are you?
Find yourself, cause I can't find you
Be yourself, who are you?

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do, just keep on laughing
One thing's true, there's always a brand new day

So you go and make it happen
Do your best just keep on laughing
I'm telling you, there's always a brand new day

Who knows what could happen.
Do what you do, just keep on laughing
One thing's true, there's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

anything but ordinary

Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep
It's my lullaby

Sometimes I drive so fast
Just to feel the danger
I wanna scream
It makes me feel alive

Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

To walk within the lines
Would make my life so boring
I want to know that I
Have been to the extreme
So knock me off my feet
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Let down your defences
Use no common sense
If you look, you will see
that this world is a beautiful
accident turbulent suculent
opulent permanent, no way

I wanna taste it
Don't wanna waste it away

Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh my self to sleep
It's my lullaby

Is it enough?
Is it enough?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

Is it enough
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
I'd rather be anything but ordinary, please.

losing grip

Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby
Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there,
waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided

Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,
I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place
when you turn around can you recognize my face you used to love me,
you used to hug me
But that wasn't the case
Everything wasn't ok I was left to cry there
waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided

Crying out loud I'm crying out loud
Crying out loud I'm crying out loud

Open your eyes
Open up wide
Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there
when I was scared I was so alone Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
Why should I care
If you don't care then I don't care were not going anywhere
Why should I care cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
Why should I care If you don't care then I don't care were not going anywhere

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

biarkan aku memiliki SAHABAT seperti kalian, sekali dalam seumur hidupku.

,rek kalian tau a? aku tu EMOH pisah sama kalian.
tak akoni ancen, kadang aku iku muales e talah.,
kadang mbek sikap, manja ne, alay e. .
tapi lek gak ngono mosok yo seru seh? yo ENGGAK.

aku yo nyadar kok, aku jauh lebih muangkel no timbang kalian (pas lagi megelno maksutku)
aku iki NGGILANI.
mungkin aku gak patio ngeroso soal e 'aku milik diriku sendiri'
tapi aku tau kok ;'D

kadang aku yo mikir, kalian kok sudi seh rek nrimo aku dadi KONCO mu.?

TAPI, aku luweh muangkel-kel-kel-kel-keeel.,

sakjane, aku wuedi MBAYANG NO TOK., yoopo rasane pisah ambek koen-koen..
you're mine rek, sori lek aku ngaku" i'm yours segala..

kita sama" udah 3 taun.,
dan kita semakin baik antara kita, justru saat kita hampir BERPISAH dan KEHILANGAN.

mungkin d mata Tuhan, 3 taun itu nggak ada apa-apanya..
tapi itu untuk akhirat ntar.
sedangkan kita untuk DUNIA.

biarkan aku memiliki SAHABAT seperti kalian, sekali dalam seumur hidupku :D